About Us
Dr Fresen Pharma GmbH offers a complete range of services from research and development through to sales, oncological medicines, treatment with antibiotics and adjunctive therapy. Furthermore, we are specialised in dealing with international pharmaceutical products.

Nowadays innovative supportive measures enable oncological diseases to be treated not only in hospitals, but on an outpatient basis in specialist cancer centres – under the supervision of experienced oncologists.

German scientists developed an innovative idea into an App for iPhone/iPad, named ‘iMedicplan’. Statistically this App would save every American user approx. 1000$ per year due to improvement of his/her medical compliance.

Studies in cooperation / Sunshine Pharmacy
Overview over current, planned and closed studies

As a pharmaceutical wholesaler Dr. Fresen Pharma is specialised in the management and further development of oncological care structures. We are able to offer a quick and reliable service whilst maintaining an excellent quality at favourable prices.
Dr. Fresen Pharma GmbH
Neversstr. 5, D-56068 Koblenz
Phone.: +49 261 97 377 131
Fax: +49 261 97 385 807
Mail: info@drfresenpharma.de